Mine Clone 4

Mine Clone 4

Mine Clone 4 is back with many enhancements. Construct your environment utilizing various sorts of bricks. Perform a series of difficult daily objectives while facing off against frightening foes.

The purpose of this game is to construct various objects and explore the world. Begin the game by selecting your desired settings. You can gather materials such as wood, stone, soil, metal, plants, and so on after entering the world map. Check your inventory to review the materials you've amassed and select the components required to commence construction. You can make replicas of the seven wonders of the world, or you can let your imagination run wild and design your own fantastical structures. Possibilities are limitless. Use the arrow keys to navigate. Use the spacebar to jump and the left and right mouse buttons to construct and destroy 3D pixels. To display or conceal the controls, press U.

WASD - Move RMB - Add blocks LMB - Remove blocks I/E- Inventory

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