

Create your own flourishing tribe on Wanderers.io. You will encounter tribes and other barbarians; therefore, you should improve your staff training. Can you become the most powerful tribe on the map?

The objective of this game is to obtain the maximum score by becoming the most powerful tribe. You do not issue direct commands to your minions; rather, they react automatically to the environment if they have the proper equipment to execute actions such as hunting or logging. In addition, it is your responsibility to purchase new enhancements and distribute them to minions in order to increase your chances of survival. Grab the totem to relocate your followers. If you approach an object, your followers will interact with it if you have the proper equipment. The bow allows you to pursue animals, while the ax enables you to cut down trees, among other things. The game contains a tutorial, so be sure to try it out. Be wary of hostile communities! Have fun!

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