Car Merge & Fight

Car Merge & Fight

Welcome to Car Merge & Fight! Ppurchase more opulent automobiles and tanks with your earnings, and enhance your attack to dominate the opponent on the battlefield! Increase your profits to acquire an advantage over your competitors!

You acquire vehicles, combine them, and upgrade your mechanical army to beat the foe. Join this battle between speedy monsters and claim the field! Experiment with a variety of attack and vehicle types to determine what works best for you! To remain on top of the obstacle, purchase new troops as the enemy vehicles progress. Between levels, you can obtain fresh troops for your military from the main menu. Combining two systems yields an improvement, resulting in a more powerful vehicle with increased strike damage. Do not let defeats discourage you; in this game, losing fights is another way to earn money. You can also see brief commercials to enhance your income by up to fivefold and gain a financial boost! Utilize this ability to get additional vehicles, surpass your opponents, and bury them in the ground! Explore brand-new unit kinds by continuously evolving, and etch your name in gold on the battlefield!

Drag to remove the vehicles

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