

Wordle, a well-liked word guessing game, served as the inspiration for Flagdle. In Flagdle, rather than guessing words, the player must determine countries. The game is both entertaining and educational, as players evaluate their knowledge of world geography and learn about various nations.

Participants have six opportunities to select the correct flag before being eliminated from the game for selecting the incorrect flag. You will be given a list of countries from which to select one. After each estimate, we will reveal a small portion of the flag's design to assist you. With each estimate, the country's location on the map is revealed. You will receive a hint indicating the distance in kilometers between the provided country and the country you are attempting to identify. In each forecast, the arrows on the left side of the chart indicate what is anticipated to occur. Select the correct flag to win. This game is appropriate for both geography buffs and casual players seeking an entertaining word-guessing experience with a global twist.

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