

Welcome to Twordle! If you already know how to play Wordle, you won't find this game challenging. The objective is to predict a word with four to seven letters, but the word does not have to exist; it is a random word. There are two syllables, one to the vertical right and one to the horizontal bottom. You perform letters instead of words, using the in-game keyboard to play each letter in a 5 x 5 grid individually. Any letter may be placed on any square during any turn. The cell will change color to indicate whether your letter prediction is accurate for horizontal, vertical, or both types of words. Do not predict BOTH orange boxes, even if you are correct, unless you know the answers for BOTH words. After choosing an orange cell, the white cells in the grid will no longer function. In both orange answer grids, you have only ONE estimate opportunity. You lose if your estimate is incorrect. You have only two minutes to determine the correct response and consider it critically. Good luck!

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